목록전체 글 (152)
시배's Android
Hi Jack Mocker란? GitHub - koreatlwls/Hi-Jack-Mocker: Hi-Jack-Mocker is a project that leverages OkHttp3's interceptor to intercept and modify netHi-Jack-Mocker is a project that leverages OkHttp3's interceptor to intercept and modify network requests and responses, allowing you to verify the UI easily. - koreatlwls/Hi-Jack-Mockergithub.com Hi Jack Mocker는 비개발자도 UI 엣지 케이스를 쉽게 테스트할 수 있도록 돕는 라이브러리입..
Hi Jack Mocker란? GitHub - koreatlwls/Hi-Jack-Mocker: Hi-Jack-Mocker is a project that leverages OkHttp3's interceptor to intercept and modify netHi-Jack-Mocker is a project that leverages OkHttp3's interceptor to intercept and modify network requests and responses, allowing you to verify the UI easily. - koreatlwls/Hi-Jack-Mockergithub.com Hi Jack Mocker는 비개발자도 UI 엣지 케이스를 쉽게 테스트할 수 있도록 돕는 라이브러리입..
Hi Jack Mocker란? GitHub - koreatlwls/Hi-Jack-Mocker: Hi-Jack-Mocker is a project that leverages OkHttp3's interceptor to intercept and modify netHi-Jack-Mocker is a project that leverages OkHttp3's interceptor to intercept and modify network requests and responses, allowing you to verify the UI easily. - koreatlwls/Hi-Jack-Mockergithub.comHi Jack Mocker는 비개발자도 UI 엣지 케이스를 쉽게 테스트할 수 있도록 돕는 라이브러리입니..
Hi Jack Mocker란? GitHub - koreatlwls/Hi-Jack-Mocker: Hi-Jack-Mocker is a project that leverages OkHttp3's interceptor to intercept and modify netHi-Jack-Mocker is a project that leverages OkHttp3's interceptor to intercept and modify network requests and responses, allowing you to verify the UI easily. - koreatlwls/Hi-Jack-Mockergithub.comHi Jack Mocker는 비개발자도 UI 엣지 케이스를 쉽게 테스트할 수 있도록 돕는 라이브러리입니..
Hi Jack Mocker란? GitHub - koreatlwls/Hi-Jack-Mocker: Hi-Jack-Mocker is a project that leverages OkHttp3's interceptor to intercept and modify netHi-Jack-Mocker is a project that leverages OkHttp3's interceptor to intercept and modify network requests and responses, allowing you to verify the UI easily. - koreatlwls/Hi-Jack-Mockergithub.com Hi Jack Mocker는 비개발자도 UI 엣지 케이스를 쉽게 테스트할 수 있도록 돕는 라이브러리입..
Hi Jack Mocker란? GitHub - koreatlwls/Hi-Jack-Mocker: Hi-Jack-Mocker is a project that leverages OkHttp3's interceptor to intercept and modify netHi-Jack-Mocker is a project that leverages OkHttp3's interceptor to intercept and modify network requests and responses, allowing you to verify the UI easily. - koreatlwls/Hi-Jack-Mockergithub.comHi Jack Mocker는 비개발자도 UI 엣지 케이스를 쉽게 테스트할 수 있도록 돕는 라이브러리입니..
문제 TiTi에는 사용자가 자신의 공부 시간을 확인할 수 있는 TimeTable 기능이 있습니다. 어느 날 우연히 Layout Inspector를 사용하던 중, TimeTable에서 지속적으로 Recomposition 발생하고 있다는 사실을 발견했습니다.문제의 원인@Composablefun TdsTimeTable( modifier: Modifier = Modifier, timeTableData: List, colors: List,) { var hour by remember { mutableStateOf("0") } var fontSize by remember { mutableStateOf(7.sp) } val textStyle = Tds..
문제 Timer TiTi를 개발하며 겪었던 흥미로운 이슈와 그 해결 과정을 공유하려 합니다. 개발 과정 중 데이터는 정상적으로 업데이트되었지만, 특정 그래프가 화면에 표시되지 않는 문제에 직면했습니다. 문제의 원인 @Composable private fun TdsPieChart( modifier: Modifier = Modifier, taskData: List, colors: List, progress: Float, containsDonut: Boolean, totalTimeString: String?, ) { var startAngle = 270f val density = LocalDensity.current BoxWithConstraints( modifier = modifier, contentAlig..